Start Time 07:45
Finish Time 18:15
Actual Mileage 100.2 miles
Average Speed (15.2 mph)
The start of the day was not the best. We were in a very cold ski town with no heating, no hot water and we had to make our own breakfast!! Some would say that we are all being divas playing the charity card to be waited on hand and foot but in actual fact it was just Ollie ‘morning alarms mean nothing to me’ Houston requesting silver service.
We also had to face a gradual climb for the first cycling hour to reach a peak of 460 metres altitude (our noses were bleeding we were so high up..) but when we reached the top there was no stopping us. The next hour was amazing cycling conditions (basically all down hill) so we clocked up almost 20 miles in an hour. So we were doing really well but then Ollie ‘2 earphones’ Houston cried wolf for the second time on the trip and claimed he had a puncture so we all stopped when in actual fact he didn’t but was just a ‘bit tired’.
We also managed a McDonalds Drive Through and a lovely afternoon cycle ride through the country where some people mistook us for lost ‘Tour de France’ cyclists…
Finally we headed for the town of Inverkeithing (just north of Edinburgh) where Steve managed to challenge a local youtharian to a cycle race and where we all managed to grab a wide variety of takeaway food.
'Nice to see you to see you nice' moment of the day (sponsored by Bruce Forsyth): Seeing Bill Clarke turn up with a car to carry some of our luggage.
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