Start Time 08:30
Finish Time 19:00
Actual Mileage 96.5 miles
Average Speed (14.4 mph)
Some claimed this would be the toughest day but with a bright and blissful start at an M6 service station hotel we were well on our way to answering those critics. Our route master Ollie Houston did manage to lose us within a mile but due to Rhys's knowledge of navigation we managed to meet up again with no qualms. The morning session was delightful passing through enriching towns such as Preston, Wigan and Warrington. We then stopped for lunch at a Tesco's and as usual looked like beggers as we sat outside on the floor with a feast laid out (we managed to get a very generous donation of 91p from one woman). Rhys managed to drop his sushi on the floor but was so hungry he lapped it up in no time. The afternoon session was pretty ordinary but we did manage to top up our tans, get lots of flies in our faces (which felt like being shot by a really weak bb gun) and increase our cycling injuries to double digits:
Our Injuries Key:
Yellow = Minor
Red = Major
Blue = Serious
Our Injuries Key: Yellow = Minor / Red = Major / Blue = Serious
Our Injuries Key:
Yellow = Minor
Red = Major
Blue = Serious
Our Injuries Key: Yellow = Minor / Red = Major / Blue = Serious
Guess who's hand from the glove tannage... |
As the day had very few highlights here is top three list of our favourite roads so far:
A9 - very scottish with lots of highland cows fleeting around its edges - cycled 213 miles on it
A6 - very minor A-road but superb tarmack at times - cycled 104 miles on it
A45 - pretty direct but could have had more imaginative surroundings - cycled 63 miles on it